We have been appointed by the Nordic Council of Ministers Waste Group (NWG) and the Swedish EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to analyse the existing regulatory framework for waste prevention and recycling currently applied in Nordic regions. The NWG and the Swedish EPA commissioned the research to understand better the effect [...]
On World Environment Day, marked on the 5th of June, the UN Environment Programme launched the latest policy document outlining action to tackle plastic pollution caused by single-use items. Our Chairman Dominic Hogg was one of the peer reviewers for the new report. The report, Single-Use Plastics: A Roadmap for [...]
A new report commissioned by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA), which we delivered alongside Capital Operating Partners, has estimated that around 174,000 tonnes of plastic packaging is either left in the environment, or taken to illegal dump sites, each year in Kenya. The final figures in the study, which [...]
The Hong Kong Centre for Carbon Innovation (HKCCI) has commissioned us as sub-contractor on the development and implementation of a new carbon reduction certification scheme for food waste delivered to an organics recovery centre in Hong Kong. The scheme, which is being designed for the Hong Kong Government’s Environmental Protection [...]
Deposit Refund Schemes (DRS) have always been a key part of our work, and have become even more relevant with the recent interest in the area. With countries across Europe aiming for more ambitious recycling targets and assessing how they can help tackle marine litter, and some beverage companies looking [...]
Over the last few months we have been reviewing our processes and updating our data management policies to prepare for the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (GDPR) on 25th May 2018. These new regulations stipulate how personally identifiable information held about any living person, by any organisation [...]
Bristol City Centre BID (Business Improvement District) is entering into a partnership with Veolia to deliver a new waste collection service to city centre businesses. We supported the tender process by designing a competitive bidding process which looked at both price and quality of service. Bristol City Centre BID is [...]
Two of our Senior Consultants Harriet Parke and Emma Tilbrook have won a 35 under 35 award, part of a programme organised by letsrecycle.com in partnership with Grundon, which identifies ‘young guns’ in the sector who are striving for professional excellence, promoting industry innovation and giving back to their company, [...]
In the last year our energy team has supported universities, NHS trusts, and councils in applying for government funding for six different heat network projects which have the potential to result in long term financial savings and significantly lower carbon emissions. The UK government launched the Heat Network Investment Project (HNIP) [...]
Senior Consultant Harriet Parke and our Managing Director Mike Brown will be attending IFAT 2018, the world’s leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management. Harriet will be a featured speaker at the conference, representing the RDF Industry Group – for which Eunomia acts as secretariat – while [...]