
Apparel and textile production and consumption generate significant environmental and social impacts and have lengthy supply chains, often with inaccessible or opaque associated data.

At Eunomia we are at the forefront of the design and appraisal of policy mechanisms that will drive a more sustainable fashion, apparel and textiles sector. We ask all the right questions and, more importantly, focus on proactive and innovative solutions.

Drawing on our real-world practical experience, deep technical knowledge and a real passion for unwasted, we can help you design EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) policies and other measures that, ultimately, will be important for circular economy business models.

Our white paper, study and policy framework – Driving a Circular Economy for Textiles through EPR, commissioned by the European Environmental Bureau and Changing Markets Foundation – found that less than 1% of clothes are actually recycled back into clothes. It details the potential benefits of and strategies for boosting re-use and recycling.


We deliver for fashion, textile production and apparel businesses

Net zero strategies

Circular economy business plans

Responsible sourcing strategies

Business case support

Policy insight and thought leadership

Market assessments and overviews

Organisational carbon footprinting and reporting

Non-financial reporting

Sustainability claims and assessments

Need a bespoke solution

Contact our Experts today, with offices local to UK, New York, Europe and New Zealand