Devon County Council (DCC) has commissioned us to carry out a full analysis of the carbon impacts of their waste management services. On 22 May 2019 DCC endorsed the Devon Climate Declaration by declaring a climate emergency. The new project, which commenced in December 2019, forms part of the authority’s [...]
We are excited to have reached a new milestone in our growth, recently passing the 100 employee mark, as well as growing by 94% in terms of sales revenue and number of staff in the last five years. We now have 105 employees across three continents, working alongside national governments, [...]
On 30th November 2019 the Woodland Trust launched a new initiative to support tree planting across the UK: the Big Climate Fightback. The importance of reforesting the UK has been reiterated in reports ranging from the UK’s Committee on Climate Change’s findings on meeting net-zero by 2050 to the Centre [...]
Our house band Dirty Murph & the Kerbside Sorters returns this month with a new album and bonus single release – just in time for Christmas! More Songs about Consultancy and Bins is the band’s third major release and its most ambitious recording yet – at 12 songs across its [...]
Welsh County Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council has topped our Recycling Carbon Index for being the best recycler in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in terms of the greenhouse gas emissions saved through its efforts in 2017/18. This year’s Recycling Carbon Index shows that council recycling schemes in England, Wales [...]
The second of two water fountains that we have sponsored as part of the wider Refill and Plastic Free Greater Manchester campaigns has been officially unveiled. In March 2019 the first water fountain opened in Bury with the support of Bury Council, United Utilities, Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and [...]
Somerset Waste Partnership (SWP) recently completed a successful tender for the council’s waste collection options, despite challenging circumstances. Our new report, written alongside SWP, provides insight into the process. The results of the report were presented by SWP and the winning bidders, SUEZ recycling and recovery UK (SUEZ), at a webinar [...]
We have been working with WRAP Cymru and Sustainable Global Resources to develop a guide for procuring plastics in the Welsh public sector. 400,000 tonnes of plastic waste were generated in Wales in 2014, with a growing body of evidence indicating that waste not collected for recycling is accumulating in [...]
Packaging free shops have become ever-more popular with the public as awareness and concern over pollution of plastic packaging grows. We are carrying out an innovative piece of work with Zero Waste Europe and Réseau Vrac to develop an overview of the state of packaging free shops across Europe. The [...]
Since the beginning of 2019 we have welcomed over 20 new starters across our international offices as part of an unprecedented period of growth. In the past six weeks we have welcomed six new starters bringing exciting skills and specialisms to a number of different business areas. Matt Smith, who [...]