We are well known for providing pragmatic solutions which are commercially and technically available. To achieve this, we have to work with clients from the public private sectors and civil society. We need to engage with and understand the challenges to industry so that we help develop policy and programmes that [...]
The report, entitled Advanced Sorting for Circularity, published today, finds that for many plastic packaging formats, further optimisation of existing sorting technologies is likely to be sufficient for improved circularity. For the remaining sorting challenges, object recognition could be the most cost-effective advanced sorting technology to facilitate increased circularity, including [...]
On Thursday 30 May, in Madrid we were delighted to launch our report analysing the realities of the separate collection of single use plastic bottles in Spain. The report was a seven-month collaboration between ourselves, Zero Waste Europe and Spanish experts with a detailed knowledge of waste management in Spain. [...]
Circularity claims on PET beverage bottles such as ‘100% recyclable’ or ‘100% recycled’ are likely to be misleading consumers, according to a new report researched and written by Eunomia Research & Consulting on behalf of ClientEarth, ECOS (Environmental Coalition on Standards),and Zero Waste Europe. Based on previous work by circular [...]
We have been commissioned to support the roll-out of a new nationwide recycling scheme supported by Nestle and Jacobs Douwe Egberts UK to collect single-use coffee pods. The new scheme, Podback, will launch in early 2021 and sees the two companies, which own a number of leading coffee pods brands [...]
Along with our partners environmental not-for-profit City to Sea, we have released a new report, which is the first of its kind in the UK, taking an in-depth look at the single-use packaging and disposables problem in the food-to-go sector, including cafes, fast food outlets and coffee chains in the [...]
The UK government has today announced a ban on plastic drinking straws, stirrers and cotton buds following a consultation last year which showed strong support. Originally planned to be introduced in April, it was postponed because of coronavirus. Chris Sherrington, Head of Environmental Policy & Economics at Eunomia has carried [...]
Every year, Plastic Free July sees millions of people and organisations globally take a stand against plastic pollution. With the month now drawing to a close, we decided to pull together some of our favourite tips for reducing personal plastic consumption alongside some research, to remind us why it makes [...]
In recent years the biodegradable and compostable plastics market has boomed in reaction to the tidal wave of concern around marine plastics and the corresponding commitments from brands. With lots of new materials in circulation, there is now some confusion among stakeholders around how these plastics fit in at a [...]
Eunomia has produced a UK plastics roadmap, Future Opportunities and Needs in the UK plastics Supply Chain, for UK Research & Innovation. The roadmap identifies ways that can help the transition to a circular plastics economy in the UK. This research was conducted under the Plastics Research and Innovation Fund [...]