Turkey could reap annual environmental benefits worth ₺705 million and reduce CO2 emissions by 260,000 tonnes by introducing a deposit return system (DRS). The Turkish Government confirmed in early 2019 that it will introduce deposits on beverage containers by 2021 as part of its zero waste initiative and efforts to [...]
Alberta’s recycling sector generated $700 million in economic value in 2018, as well as supporting over 7,500 direct jobs, our new analysis has found. The analysis also highlights the potential to increase this contribution in future to $1.4 billion in economic value, and 13,000 jobs. In addition to the benefits [...]
The Greater London Authority (GLA) has released an updated greenhouse gas (GHG) calculator for London boroughs to use to project their performance against the GLA’s Emissions Performance Standard (EPS). The EPS is a world first, with London being the first city to set climate-related targets alongside targets for waste management [...]
We have won a bid to undertake a Defra-funded research project investigating the development of models for farmer and land manager behaviours and decision-making. The UK’s exit from the European Union, and subsequent withdrawal from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), will give the UK the ability to design and implement [...]
In support of it’s recent climate emergency declaration, Hounslow Council has commissioned us to develop a climate emergency strategy. Utilising our experience supporting a number of authorities across the globe with their responses to the climate emergency, we will be working with Hounslow Council to develop an actionable strategy in response [...]
Our North America office has seen huge growth in the eighteen months since it opened its doors, delivering high-level, influential projects across the US and Canada – and expanding by 200%, with further recruitment planned to accommodate the growing portfolio of work. North American municipalities and businesses are beginning to [...]
Nordic nations require a significant increase in recycling in order to meet the revised EU recycling targets, despite the region including some of the most developed and mature waste management systems in Europe. Of the Nordic countries reporting their recycling rate to Eurostat, we found that an increase of between [...]
With public concern around single use plastics (SUPs) at an all-time high, the National Trust commissioned us to review the approaches being taken towards single-use packaging across a number of its properties, as well as the waste prevention initiatives being put in place. Although the Trust has already made a [...]
We have been appointed by WWF Mozambique on behalf of the Regional Office for Africa to research the issue of plastic pollution from coastal nations in Africa and develop a Strategic Plan for addressing this. This will support the organisation’s goal of minimising plastic pollution across the continent by creating [...]
We have been working with Mepex on behalf of the Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA) to map the impacts of a switch away from 19 commonly-littered single use plastic items in Norway. On 27 March 2019, the European Parliament formally passed the Single Use Plastic Directive, which will require Member States [...]