Eunomia has produced a UK plastics roadmap, Future Opportunities and Needs in the UK plastics Supply Chain, for UK Research & Innovation. The roadmap identifies ways that can help the transition to a circular plastics economy in the UK. This research was conducted under the Plastics Research and Innovation Fund [...]
We are pleased to announce that Eunomia’s Athens based Office has been selected to deliver work for Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) on Single Use Plastics. This study will focus on preparing policy guidelines to address Single-Use Plastic (SUP) items in the Mediterranean region, with a [...]
We have been commissioned by the Greek Federation of Recycling and Energy Recovery for Industry, SEPAN (ΣΕΠΑΝ), to develop a comprehensive Annual Report demonstrating progress towards a more circular economy in Greece. The resulting report, due in September 2020, will deliver a good practice review and recommend priority actions for [...]
Today is UN World Environment Day and this year’s theme is biodiversity, focusing on ‘time for nature’. With many at home and unable to travel, Bristol based environmental consultancy Eunomia is calling on Bristolians to open up a bug hotel, and have put together a list of insects to look [...]
Mark Hilton, Head of Sustainable Business at the environmental consultancy Eunomia has over 35 years’ experience supporting businesses to become more resource-efficient. In a recently completed study for the European Commission Mark led on the development of recommendations for fee-modulation for electrical and electronic equipment and batteries. We asked Mark [...]
We are delighted to have been selected by Orkney Islands Council to undertake a capital appraisal of its proposed new integrated waste facility. The new facility will combine waste sorting and treatment, as well as offering an opportunity to integrate some existing waste depots and household waste recycling centres. It [...]
We have been appointed sole provider of sustainable packaging advice to Young Foodies, a community support network for challenger brands in the food and beverage sector. Young Foodies provides specialised business advice to a network of around 700 brands, comprising both start-ups and established businesses. Under the new contract, we [...]
Eunomia has been commissioned by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) to deliver a study which assesses the current, and likely future, scale of the use of alternative fuels, derived from waste, in Greece. The work includes an analysis of the current situation and the legal, institutional and technical aspects which [...]
Four Eunomia staff members have been recognised in the 2020 Resource Magazine Hot 100. The annual list saw 12,000 voters from across the waste and resources sector choose their top influencers from the last 12 months. No. 95: Emma How – ‘diligent and well-connected’ At no. 95, Specialist Technical Advisor, [...]
Eunomia Director and resource efficiency and supply chain expert, Joe Papineschi, has launched a project with his partner on Instagram to encourage western society to prioritise buying fresh produce while the world battles Covid-19. Calling his project ‘reverse-hoarding’, Joe’s family came up with ‘eight house rules’ designed to take the [...]