Eunomia and the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) have published a new report, Plastic Money: Turning Off the Subsidies Tap. It details a second phase of research and modelling to understand the extent of subsidies for primary polymer production and the potential impact of removing these. We undertook the study [...]
Consumers in the United States discard over 100 billion PET bottles and over 10 billion polyester garments each year. Found in products ranging from food trays and active wear to carpets, PET and polyester account for 30% of the country’s plastic packaging and textiles use, contributing significantly to plastic waste [...]
The report, entitled Advanced Sorting for Circularity, published today, finds that for many plastic packaging formats, further optimisation of existing sorting technologies is likely to be sufficient for improved circularity. For the remaining sorting challenges, object recognition could be the most cost-effective advanced sorting technology to facilitate increased circularity, including [...]
On Thursday 30 May, in Madrid we were delighted to launch our report analysing the realities of the separate collection of single use plastic bottles in Spain. The report was a seven-month collaboration between ourselves, Zero Waste Europe and Spanish experts with a detailed knowledge of waste management in Spain. [...]
Eunomia was commissioned by WWF Germany to produce a report on addressing plastic pollution by expanding reuse models to support the UN Plastics Treaty. The report highlights the five most promising product groups for reuse and gives guidance on how reuse can effectively be integrated into the upcoming global plastic [...]
Rewiring our relationship with resources through the Waste Framework Directive (WFD) is vital for the EU to continue to innovate and lead the world in reaching a circular economy by 2040. These are the findings of a White Paper published today by Handelens Miljøfond, Minderoo Foundation, TOMRA, and Zero Waste [...]
We have carried out new research which has identified key considerations to verify recycled content claims in plastic products to inform actions in support of Canada’s target of achieving at least 50% recycled content in plastic products, where applicable, by 2030. This target aims to extend the life of materials, [...]
The UK Government has announced plans to ban single-use plastic plates and cutlery, with a consultation set to be launched in the autumn. The proposed ban follows plans by Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to do the same and builds on England’s ban on plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds [...]
We are pleased to announce that we have been commissioned with our partners IVL and Denkstatt to deliver an important project for the European Commission. The study is focused on developing ways to measure the amount of recycled content in plastics. The work will feed into plans to reduce the [...]
Along with our partners environmental not-for-profit City to Sea, we have released a new report, which is the first of its kind in the UK, taking an in-depth look at the single-use packaging and disposables problem in the food-to-go sector, including cafes, fast food outlets and coffee chains in the [...]