Chris Sherrington
Chris Sherrington
+44 117 917 2250- Eunomia Research & Consulting
37 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4QS
About Chris
Chris joined the company in January 2009. His work is largely focused on the effective design and implementation of a range of policy mechanisms, including economic instruments, to hasten the transition to a circular economy in a way that is cost-effective and fair.
A particular strength is his knowledge of the design of EPR schemes. Chris led a landmark study for the European Commission, developing recommendations for guidance on the minimum requirements for EPR schemes as set out in Article 8a of the revised Waste Framework Directive. He has led much of Eunomia’s work on EPR – covering packaging, electronics and electrical items, batteries, textiles, mattresses, vehicle tyres, carpets and agricultural plastics.
Chris also has considerable expertise in designing deposit-return systems for beverage containers, and how these can be configured to prevent littering and promote high-quality closed loop recycling at least cost. He has led several studies for a range of clients in recent years on the optimal initiation and operation of a DRS, including the role of supporting policy measures.