Our Waste Prevention Toolkit (WPT) provides assistance to local authorities by allowing them to determine the impact and cost of a range of waste prevention initiatives.
The latest update to the WPT now allows local authorities to model the impact of collecting bulky waste for reuse both at kerbside and at HWRCs.
The WPT allows users to model the environmental impacts, costs and waste prevention effects of up to twelve pre-loaded prevention initiatives, including:
- Home composting;
- No junk mail;
- Promotion of re-useable nappies;
- Love Food/Hate Waste;
- Paint re-use;
- Community swap days;
- Zero waste challenge;
- Reducing the size of residual waste containers;
- No side waste policy;
- Kerbside bulky waste;
- HWRC bulky waste; and
- General communications.
In addition, the WPT includes the option for officers to add data on up to three bespoke waste prevention initiatives. These “other” initiatives are then included within the environmental analysis that forms a core component of the outputs of the WPT.
“With local authority budgets continuing to be squeezed the Waste Prevention Toolkit is becoming an essential tool to support waste officers in determining which waste prevention initiatives will have the most impact in their local authority and therefore which ones to invest in.
“At a time when many authorities are seeing re-use & recycling rates plateau, and with the 2020 recycling target of 50% fast approaching and further increases required in future, the two new bulky waste initiatives will help officers to map out what their options are when managing bulky waste, and will allow them to demonstrate what changes they’ve made to work towards the 2020 target. We also know that residents are becoming increasingly aware that we can’t recycle our way out of the problem of consumption that is leading to us being swamped by waste.”
The WPT is exclusively available to public bodies. To request a copy of the WPT please, fill in the order form below. When you submit your order, we will verify that you can receive the WPT, and contact you to arrange payment.
If you have any questions about the WPT, please contact Peter Jones.
WPT contact form