This guidance commissioned by WRAP is intended to help local authorities maximise the benefit that they obtain for the dry recyclables collected as part of their provision of waste services. It is designed to equip local authority officers with the knowledge required to select the right material sales strategy for their circumstances. It is based on knowledge obtained from interviews with local authorities, material reprocessors and waste management companies, in addition to secondary research and contains a number of illustrative examples that demonstrate how some of the key principles have been put into practice.
It is primarily focused on the sale of separate materials from kerbside collections, household waste recycling centres (HWRCs) and bring sites. It includes specific guidance on marketing co-mingled materials.
The guidance is not intended to be prescriptive, and options will be influenced by timing and individual local circumstances. However, it provides a guide to the key issues that should be considered and the options that are available to local authorities, either individually or as a partnership.
A summary version of the report entitled Turning Recyclate into Revenue is also available.
This report is available free of charge. Please provide a few details about yourself and one of the team will email you the full report shortly.