In November, our Managing Consultant Adrian (Ade) Gibbs celebrated his 20th year as a Eunomian – a huge congratulations from us all, Ade. Ade joined us back in November 2004 as a fresh-faced PhD graduate and, after being welcomed into the fold, he has never looked back. We’ve not only [...]
Eunomia and the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) have published a new report, Plastic Money: Turning Off the Subsidies Tap. It details a second phase of research and modelling to understand the extent of subsidies for primary polymer production and the potential impact of removing these. We undertook the study [...]
Consumers in the United States discard over 100 billion PET bottles and over 10 billion polyester garments each year. Found in products ranging from food trays and active wear to carpets, PET and polyester account for 30% of the country’s plastic packaging and textiles use, contributing significantly to plastic waste [...]
A new report by Eunomia, commissioned by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and launched at COP29 this week, shows that a 40% reduction target in virgin plastics by 2040 would be an important enabler for climate impact reduction for the plastics industry, but it may not be enough to limit [...]
The UK government’s Autumn Budget came out soon after COP16 on Biodiversity last month. Tom Raven, a Consultant in Eunomia’s Natural Economy team, reflects on whether private finance options can make up for the lack of funding from government and international inaction on financing nature recovery. How nature fared in [...]
New research by Eunomia on behalf of the Minderoo Foundation has explored how a polymer premium, working in tandem with cost recovery mechanisms and public funding, could help fund implementation of the Global Plastics Treaty. The premium has potential to channel valuable resource into reducing plastic pollution, especially in low- [...]
A new study by Eunomia, conducted on behalf of Fauna & Flora, analyses plastic credit schemes and explores the scope, risks and uncertainties. Plastic credits have been gaining prominence in discussions relating to the United Nations Plastics Treaty as “innovative instruments” to channel funding towards tackling global plastic pollution. Plastic [...]
We are proud to be working with over 30 leading academic research organisations and consultancies as part of the Land Use for Net Zero (LUNZ) Hub. This three-year programme, co-funded by UKRI, Defra and DESNZ, brings stakeholders together to drive the transformation of UK land use to reach net zero [...]
New research by Eunomia and the University of the Western Cape (UWC) has found that a mandatory Deposit Return System (DRS) in South Africa could deliver significant environmental and economic benefits – from a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to increased recycling, less litter and new jobs for waste [...]
Three senior consultants at Eunomia – Daniel Card, Lucy Eggleston and Will Proud – have received this year’s prestigious 35 Under 35 Awards for their trailblazing work in the environmental sector. These awards recognise their professional excellence, vision, creativity and determination to advance sustainability goals. Lucy, Will and Daniel received [...]