The Scottish Government selected us to undertake a study to assess the sources, pathways, fate and environmental impact of microplastics in Scotland, in three environmental contexts: the terrestrial environment including agricultural land, the freshwater environment, and the marine environment. Our findings were recently released in a report. Initially, we prioritised [...]
The health and wellbeing of people is of paramount importance to us at this difficult time. We are routinely monitoring the latest advice from governments and health organisations, in order to act in a timely and responsible way, and thereby minimise any impacts of COVID-19 on our staff, our clients, [...]
We were commissioned by Zero Waste Scotland, on behalf of the Scottish Government’s Plastic Pellet Loss Steering Group, to work with stakeholders to design a supply chain system to minimise plastic pellet pollution throughout the supply chain. Pellets are a raw material for plastic products and the second most significant [...]
WWF Greece has appointed us to carry out a study on the key policy measures and actions required to drive plastic pollution solutions across the country. Building on a related WWF project from 2019 – Plastic pollution in Greece: How to Stop It – A Practical Guide for Policy Makers [...]
We are excited to announce that we have been appointed by DG Environment to carry out one of the first studies into the end-of-life waste management of both conventional and biodegradable agricultural plastics across the European Union. Plastics are widely used in agricultural practices, for example in mulch films to [...]
The results of the most comprehensive UK-wide waste composition study to date, which we undertook on behalf of WRAP, are now available through the WRAP website. The work provides comprehensive and detailed estimates of the quantities of different materials in the recycling and residual household waste streams across the whole [...]
We are delighted to announce the appointment of industry leader, Jeffrey Crawford, as an Executive Director for our North American operations. He will support the development of the business, building on current successes to expand the breadth of our service capacity to clients. Jeff joins us from BSR – a [...]
With consumers across the UK demanding a switch away from plastic, unprecedented development into plastic alternatives, new business models and alternatives ways of thinking are required. While both industry and government have recognised the need to re-invent the UK plastics economy, enacting real-world change requires cooperation and communication across the [...]
Our latest special report, published today, has found that rolling out electric refuse trucks would cut carbon dioxide emissions, reduce air pollution and cut down on costs, once monetised emissions are taken into account. The report, authored by a team of our waste operations and emissions experts, shows that switching [...]
New research has found that possible exemptions to the EU’s Single Use Plastic Directive potentially open the legislation to loopholes which could significantly undermine its impact. Our research found that certain ‘natural polymers’ could be exempted under the Directive’s definition of plastic, including those likely to have similar negative effects [...]