Eunomia was commissioned by WWF Germany to produce a report on addressing plastic pollution by expanding reuse models to support the UN Plastics Treaty.
The project detailed the necessity for increased reuse, accounting for diverse preconditions in UN member countries. This included presenting a compelling environmental case for adopting reuse, highlighting the prerequisites for establishing effective reuse systems, tailored to each nation’s infrastructure.
Utilising Eunomia’s established methodology, the initiative identified the top five application fields for reuse within various sectors.
From a global perspective, the report advocated for comprehensive rules, standards, and principles in the UN Treaty, considering developmental disparities among nations. It also detailed potential national legal frameworks and deliberated the integration of reuse requirements into the treaty.
Practical implementation strategies proposed in the report centred on technical support, financing mechanisms, and harmonised logistics, enhancing the viability of sustainable reuse practices worldwide.
The report aimed to support the focus on reuse in the narrative on plastic pollution, promoting a resilient, sustainable solution to the global plastics crisis.
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