Eunomia was appointed by Recyc-Quebec to model the costs and benefits of modernizing Quebec’s deposit return system for beverage containers. The work informed the development of draft regulations on modernizing the deposit return and curbside selective collection systems in the Canadian province. As part of the project, we: Assessed the [...]
This report, produced for Plastic Recyclers Europe (PRE) with PET Container Recycling Europe (PETCORE), Natural Mineral Waters Europe (NMWE) and UNESDA Soft Drinks Europe, provides an overview of the state of play in the European PET plastics market and recycling chain in 2020 and points the way forward for the future. The [...]
This report, which was commissioned by a partnership between WWF-UK and Tesco and delivered with Innovation for Agriculture, explores the main sources of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, outlines interventions farmers can take to reduce these, and outlines policy measures to remove barriers to the implementation of these interventions. According to [...]
Waste in the Net-Zero Century: Testing the Holistic Resources System via Three European Case Studies
Eunomia was commissioned by TOMRA to design and test the Holistic Resources System, a global waste management system designed to address the issues of carbon emissions, pollution and overconsumption. The Holistic Resources System brings together ‘good practice’ waste management techniques into a single system designed to respond to the age-defining [...]
This report, which was commissioned by the European Commission and funded by the European Parliament, explores the external costs associated with a range of areas of environmental concern in the EU, and the extent to which these costs are internalised in taxation and other economic instruments in the EU. The [...]
This new report, commissioned by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), provides an analysis of how Net Zero transition plans and climate-related disclosures made by businesses under TCFD can drive changes in corporate behaviour and facilitate the flow of capital to companies that are positioning to drive [...]
This new report, commissioned by the Standards Council of Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada, identifies key considerations to verify recycled content claims in plastic products to inform actions in support of Canada’s target of achieving at least 50% recycled content in plastic products, where applicable, by 2030. Companies in various sectors across the [...]
Eunomia was commissioned by the European Commission to carry out a study to identify the environmental impacts associated with conventional and biodegradable agricultural plastics and make recommendations of measures to be implemented to reduce these impacts. The EU’s Plastics Strategy has laid the foundations for a new circular plastics economy, [...]
Eunomia was commissioned by TOMRA to undertake research to examine the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission savings that can be made by using secondary material in place of virgin material, and savings that can be made by undertaking mixed waste sorting (MWS) prior to incineration and landfill. The report finds that [...]
This report considers the presence of fraud in deposit refund systems (DRS) and how this can be mitigated. As with most systems that handle large amounts of money DRS are open to the potential of fraud. This document explores: A summary of the problem and measures to mitigate risk of [...]