Eunomia was commissioned by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to undertake an economic assessment of the South Plans Marine plan areas. The report is one of a number of studies related to the MMO’s marine planning work, which can be found on the organisation’s website. This assessment provides a baseline [...]
In anticipation of the launch of Defra’s Waste Prevention Programme for England, Eunomia published its own waste prevention ‘wish-list’. The short document presents five measures that would spread “a little more joy and a lot less waste”: “Pay As You Throw” charging for waste collections; a levy on all single-use [...]
Eunomia’s ‘Recycling Carbon Index’ utilises WasteDataFlow reporting to rank councils on the kilogrammes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) saved per person through their recycling service. This first edition of the Carbon Index follows the approach taken in Scotland, where councils report on their performance against the ‘Carbon Metric’, rather than [...]
The East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans outline a vision for 2033 and are designed to include a number of objectives and policies which reflect the aims of the Marine Policy Statement within these plan areas. This document, commissioned by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and prepared by Eunomia, [...]
In this report for Zero Waste Scotland, Eunomia presents the Business & Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Scotland Landfill Tax Bill 2012. The Coalition Government committed to implementing recommendations from the Calman Commission, that sought to devolve power over certain fiscal instruments. This included the transfer of legislative responsibility to [...]
In support of Zero Waste Scotland’s strategy development, Eunomia was commissioned to provide two reports establishing the scale of the costs currently associated with litter. The first was based on a survey of Scottish local authorities, and sought to establish the direct costs to these authorities, and to other duty [...]
This Environmental Report sets out the likely significant effects on the Environment, at a strategic and non-site specific level, from the introduction of the Waste Management Plan for England, in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 (the SEA Regulations). SEA is a [...]
Eunomia Research & Consulting was engaged by Atlantic Energy on behalf of the Cornwall Waste Forum (CWF) to examine a number of questions regarding the approach to waste treatment in Cornwall. The aim of this independent study was to consider whether there may be a practicable and more affordable alternative [...]
This report, commissioned by Retorna, investigates the financial consequences of the introduction of a deposit refund system (DRS) across Spain. The report comes at a critical time as Spain is reviewing its current waste policy, with the new Law on Waste and Contaminated Land, approved by Parliament on 14th July [...]
This report forms the final part of a comparative study on economic instruments promoting waste prevention prepared for Bruxelles Environnement. This final report: Describes a economic instruments that were identified in a separate inventory of measures; Highlights relative advantages and disadvantages for each instrument type included in the inventory; Provides [...]