This work, commissioned by Serco, sets out to answer a deceptively simple question: do recycling incentive schemes help to increase recycling rates?
With their £2m investment in the Reward and Recognition fund the Government has provided funding for those authorities seeking to invest in and make the case for recycling incentives. There has to date been no proper examination or scrutiny of their performance, nor debate as to their ability to contribute towards our local and national recycling goals.
This report combines the evaluation of scheme impacts with public opinion data from Serco’s public consultation programmes. The work also goes beyond these shores drawing on a broader body of learning and evidence about what does and doesn’t work elsewhere and takes important ‘first steps’ in understanding the impacts of UK recycling incentive schemes.
A summary version of this report is also available.
This report is available free of charge. Please provide a few details about yourself and one of the team will email you the full report shortly.