This project has been undertaken to evaluate the impacts of developing and implementing an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program in the Yukon.

The Yukon Government is considering the development of an EPR program in the territory and is seeking to evaluate the current state of recycling in the territory as well as the impacts of various future scenarios. The three targeted product categories for EPR are printed paper and packaging (PPP), waste oil, and household hazardous waste (HHW).

The current state of recycling in the territory is facing unsustainable and rising costs, a reality acknowledged by the two recycling processors, located in Whitehorse, that operate in the territory. As a result, if the status quo were to continue, both processors expect to end their processing of PPP.

EPR is a policy approach that assigns producers of covered products with financial and/or operational
responsibility for ensuring these products are properly managed at the end of their life cycle. This system is designed to increase collection and recycling rates of targeted products and materials and to shift the
environmental and financial costs of end-of-life management of post-consumer products from municipalities and households to producers.

When most effective, it incentivizes waste prevention at the source and promotes design-for-recyclability considerations in product design. Under an EPR system, producers usually organize and finance Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs) that carry out the end-of-life management of products on behalf of their members.

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