Meet our expert

Rebecca Mason


Rebecca leads Eunomia’s work on sustainable land use, food and farming within our natural economy theme.

About Rebecca

Rebecca thinks critically about the land use system and works with organisations across the supply chain to help them achieve their individual targets while contributing to a net global benefit.

She works with a wide range of actors – farmers, retailers, policy makers, academics, NGOs and large corporations – to bring about the innovations and the systemic and behavioural changes needed to address the climate and nature crises. Her insights into these stakeholders’ challenges, opinions and influence position us to facilitate collaboration and drive forward action.

Rebecca’s work spans national land use modelling projects for government; rolling out the WWF reporting framework for food retailers; developing decarbonisation and natural capital strategies for estates; running workshops to gather farmers’ insights on the Environmental Land Management scheme; and providing advice on agricultural innovation funding.

She has a background in agricultural research in both Kenya (on biochar and soils) and New Zealand (on crop and animal nutrition trials) and holds a Geography degree from UCL.