Peter Jones
Peter Jones
+44 117 917 2250- Eunomia Research & Consulting
37 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4QS
About Peter
Peter leads Eunomia’s work on commercial waste. His projects include supporting the Welsh Government to produce a regulatory impact assessment of proposed new source separation requirements for recyclable waste generated by businesses. He has also advised numerous councils on commercial waste services and supported private clients to buy in commercial waste services.
Peter has worked with dozens of councils on waste service design and local waste strategies. His recent work has increasingly focused on exploring the implications of extended producer responsibility (EPR) on waste services. Following work for the European Commission on developing guidance on EPR, he has advised WRAP and Defra on issues relating to EPR and commercial waste. He has also worked with the beverage industry in Serbia to help them develop proposals for an EPR system there.
He holds a first-class degree and an MPhil in Philosophy from the University of Cambridge.